Wildlife care · GURELUR

GURELUR - Fondo Navarro para la Protección del Medio Natural Manuel de Falla, 8
31005 Pamplona/Iruña
Tel.: 948 15 10 77 · 606 980 068
Non-profit-making association
Foundation year: 1991
Action area: Navarre

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Wildlife care

Eurasian Eagle-owl killed by electrocution
Eurasian Eagle-owl killed by electrocution

In GURELUR’s Wild Fauna Recuperation Centre we treat animals in need of attention, which we receive from citizens and some institutions. Disregarding their cataloguing, we treat and give shelter to all animals, devoting greater effort to the recuperation of protected species.
The main reasons for collecting animals in need of treatment are electric laying, car accidents, poisons, windmills, hunting and barbed wires. In any case, most animals treated are either young animals or chicks, the former due to starvation once they abandon their nests, and the latter due to falling from their nests before they are fully grown. Most of the collected animals are birds, mainly raptors, on the contrary, mammals and reptiles constitute the least representative fauna groups.

Griffon vulture
Griffon vulture

In order to care for wild fauna, GURELUR has a multidisciplinary team of experts in the treatment of this fauna, a clinic, and appropriate installations for the ecological requirements of these type of animals in captivity. All workers involved in this activity do so as volunteers, with no economic compensation whatsoever, and offering not only their time and knowledge but also their own money whenever it is required due to different expenses, such as travel, food, medicine or installations maintenance. All this enables us to recuperate a high number of animals, in fact we are able to set free more than half of the animals collected. During twenty years of work, GURELUR has recuperated and set free two adult samples of lammergeyers.

If you find an injured animal call GURELUR: (+34) 948 15 10 77

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