GURELUR - Fondo Navarro para la Protección del Medio Natural
Manuel de Falla, 8
31005 Pamplona/Iruña
Tel.: 948 15 10 77 · 606 980 068
Non-profit-making association
Foundation year: 1991
Action area: Navarre
GURELUR is a non-profit-making association which defends and divulges Navarra’s natural values. GURELUR also works with other Iberian and European associations in order to sort out environmental problems which affect species and spaces all over the world.
In order to spread the need of a rational use of our natural resources among people and institutions, our team of professionals and volunteers works in the following fields: divulgement of our natural resources and education of the society towards the protection of these values; realization of projects and campaigns aiming at protecting spaces and endangered species; improvement of environmental laws and construction projects which are aggressive towards the environment.
Our constant and serious work has helped to make a great part of Navarra’s society aware of environmental problems and it has also made the government to start taking environmental issues into consideration. The attention paid to citizens accusations and consultations regarding environmental issues is one of our most important activities. Citizens’ sensitivity has grown along with the growth of aggressions against Nature.
Our choice of the topic “start in Navarra” is justified by a well known fact: many people in our community support conservationist international teams and forget the existence of extremely serious problems which affect Navarra.
All the informative and protectionist activities by GURELUR are mainly supported by the work and economic contributions of its members and co-operators. Without this support it would be impossible for us to organize so many campaigns and we wouldn’t be able to take care of all the citizens which require our help, which would have a serious negative impact on the conservation of Navarra’s natural heritage
Due to our accusations against the dirty business and negligent behaviour of the Environmental Department, the Government of Navarra doesn’t allow us to apply for the subventions and contracts related to the protection of Navarra’s Nature. This fact, far from obstructing our work, has endowed us with more freedom and credibility. We are happy to carry on working with just the help of our members and of anyone who willingly offers his help to us.
© GURELUR, 2012
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