Department of Environment · GURELUR

GURELUR - Fondo Navarro para la Protección del Medio Natural Manuel de Falla, 8
31005 Pamplona/Iruña
Tel.: 948 15 10 77 · 606 980 068
Non-profit-making association
Foundation year: 1991
Action area: Navarre

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The Environment Department misdeeds

Department of Environment
Department of Environment

This is a list of some of the offences of the Environmental Department of the Government of Navarra (in order to collect all infringements thousands of megabytes would be required).

Illegal and shameless support for the Itoiz reservoir

This water will be transferred to areas where it will be wasted, for anti-ecological irrigation and irrigation of golf courses.

Illegal and shameless support of the Thermic Stations of Castejón

Illegal thermic station of Castejón
Illegal thermic station of Castejón

The Head of the Environmental Department, José Ignacio Elorrieta, supports the illegal and polluting thermic stations. In fact, after lying to all citizens by explaining that the stations are meant to develop wind power in our Community, he affirms, without shame, that with the VAT (IVA) obtained from these stations he will be able to finance his unbelievable Biodiversity Plan, or whatever he calls it now.

Destruction of Navarra's rivers

Destruction of Navarra's rivers with the installation of too many hydro-electrical stations, dredging, canalisations and rubbish deposits. In the last few years hundreds of thousands of fish have died due to the mismanagement of residual waters.

Destruction of Navarra's mountains

Illegal quarry in the Urbasa-Andia Natural Park
Illegal quarry in the Urbasa-Andia Natural Park

Destruction of Navarra's mountains with the irrational installation of wind power stations. An important part of our mountains are being exhausted with the massive and illegal installation of wind power stations. All is fair as far as politicians and companies are happy, even if we never know when they will go and work in them.

Complete abandonment of species in danger of extinction

Complete abandonment of species in danger of extinction violating the Law 2/93 in what refers to the plans of recuperation of the species listed in the Threatened Species Catalogue (Catálogo de Especies Amenazadas). The projects were not implemented due to the phobia they feel towards protected fauna. Moreover they attack the conservation projects of GURELUR.

Complete abandonment of the scarce protected spaces

Destructive ski resort in the Larra Nature Reserve
Destructive ski resort in the Larra Nature Reserve

Complete abandonment of the scarce protected spaces, including the descatalogation of the grove of La Mejana in Tudela and attacking the Parks of Bertíz, Urbasa-Andía, reserve of Larra, Mendilaz and all protected spaces which could affect their gruesome developmental policy.

Concealing and null management of polluted soil

The Department of Environmental issues is concealing all serious cases of pollution of Navarra’s soil –Inabonos de Lodosa in Pamplona, Katazpegui in Lesaka, Funvera en Bera, Destilados del Norte in Ekai, Luzuriaga in Tafalla etc.- and is carrying out no action for their correct treatment and punishment. From this prevaricating behaviour, one fact stands out: part of the polluted soil was sent to a company in Madrid. This company has no authorization for these type of issues and has several legal proceedings due to illegal and dangerous treatment of toxic and dangerous residue, which irresponsible companies and organizations, such as the government of Navarra, put at their disposal.

Destruction of forests

Environmentally unsustainable and illegal mining project in Zilbeti
Environmentally unsustainable and illegal mining project in Zilbeti

A very important part of the Department budget is devoted to the construction of thousands of unnecessary tracks, poisoning of forests with dimilín, destruction of undergrowth, and gruesome tree felling. With this, the Department pleases politicians and lumbermen. A bad example is Quinto Real where a great part of the forest mass has been eliminated, putting in danger the quality of the water which half of the population of Navarra drinks.

Mismanagement of the Department economical resources

All money devoted to conservation projects, environmental education, spaces and species management etc., has been derived to the enterprise Viveros y Repoblaciones, responsible for numerous ecological crimes in our Community. This means that all works increase their prize by 15% and posts are not offered in open competition. Posts are given by pulling strings to the friends of the Head of Department, no matter his capacity for the post.

Null management of hunting and fishing

Eurasian Eagle-owl shot by hunter
Eurasian Eagle-owl shot by hunter

The department offers the management of fishing and hunting reserves to associations which do not denounce the mismanagement of rivers and which are ready to defend the Department when it is denounced by GURELUR. Regarding hunting its abandonment and mismanagement ends up in allowing hunting in reserves which have not the perceptive cinegetic studies, allowing hunting of species in danger, allowing hunting in Valdorba. Let alone the support to hunting in migration period despite its illegality.

Secuestro y manipulación de los órganos de participación social

Para evitar escuchar la verdad sobre las ilegalidades y obscenidades en las que están incurriendo en su alocada gestión del medio ambiente navarro y de los dineros destinados a su protección, estos malos políticos han secuestrado los órganos de participación ciudadana, impidiendo unas veces y otras dificultando la presencia de Gurelur en ellos, a pesar de ser el principal grupo ecologista navarro. Además, incumplen las leyes y los reglamentos que regulan estos órganos, no celebrando las reuniones preceptivas, no tratando en el Consejo Navarro de Medio Ambiente los proyectos que requieren la presentación de Estudios de Impacto Ambiental, impiden la libre expresión de los representantes ecologistas, no incluyen los temas que proponemos los ecologistas y un largo etcétera. Algunos órganos de participación como por ejemplo el Consejo del Agua y el Consejo Asesor Forestal simplemente no se celebran.
El propio Defensor del Pueblo de Navarra ha reconocido las irregularidades denunciadas por los ecologistas como la no celebración de reuniones presenciales, la no contestación a nuestras peticiones de información, y sobre todo la ilegalidad que supone el autorizar proyectos que requieren estudios de impacto ambiental sin que se trate e informe previamente por el Consejo Navarro de Medio Ambiente. La mayor responsabilidad en la ejecución de estas ilegalidades e irregularidades recae en el Director General de Medio Ambiente y Presidente del Consejo Navarro de Medio Ambiente Andrés Eciolaza y del Jefe de la Sección de Régimen Jurídico de Medio Ambiente y Agua y Secretario del Consejo Félix Armendariz Martínez.
Manda huevos que este último personaje, cabeza pensante y ejecutor de todas las modificaciones que han dejado sin contenido conservacionista las leyes ambientales navarras, quiera ir de jatorra por los círculos sociales navarros, por ejemplo en la lucha contra la destrucción de las huertas de Aranzadi, cuando es él el que más daño ha hecho y está haciendo al medio ambiente navarro y a la participación social.

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